When more and more spa services are introduced into a full service package, does that mean that spa owners are confident that customers will go for most of them (if not all) no matter how much they cost? Spas appear to be trending upwards with newer product offerings. They boast of modern equipment and methods learned from the oldest and most reputable European aesthetic and personal care salons.
The International Spa Association says that spa services fall under any of these 10 domains: water (hydrotherapy), nourishment (special menus), movement (soft and vigorous exercises), touch (massage), integration (wellness and balance principles), aesthetics (facials and other facial-related services), environment (location), cultural expression (beliefs and personal preferences), social contribution (community orientation), and time/space rhythms (natural lifestyle).
On one spa web site, a service called chromalift was listed. My research led me to a description: it's a non-surgical face lift. This spa recommends a minimum of three sessions. A decreased number of worry lines, improved skin tone and texture, and healthy glow are some of the benefits of a chromalift.
Another web site describes chromalift as a treatment using light therapy. Good quality light is directed to specific points of the face and body and this serves as the "lifting" portion of the treatment.
What, may I ask, is wrong with using the old-fashioned loofa?
If ISPA statistics are an indication of the public's fascination with spas, it matters less that they work or produce the desired results; what matters more is that spa sessions are the equivalent of pampering and relaxation that are richly deserved, given the amounts of stress our bodies are subject to. If going for an expensive spa treatment makes a man and woman feel good, then a spa has its own noble mission.
ISPA says that 1 in 4 Americans have gone to a spa, and that there are over 32 million active spa patrons. It is no surprise that more than $10.9 billion in revenues came from the US spa industry in 2007 alone!
balnéothérapie | balneotherapy |
bain de siège | sitz bath |
mésure du pli cutané | caliper test |
cuve de flotation | flotation tank |
approche holistique de la santé | holistic health approach |
exercice istonique | isotonic exercise |
kinésiologie | kinesiology |
gant pour friction en luffa | loofah friction glove |
maturopathie | naturopathy |
A bit of trivia for you: there are steam baths all over the world. In Turkey, they're called hammam. In Japan, they're called sento (communal baths).