Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gardening: Part 1

The store flyers are out.  From fertilizers to weeding tools to garden hats, we’re reminded that it’s that time again to tend to our gardens.  Soon the nursery a few blocks from my place will be packed with green and not-so-green thumbs hauling heavy bags of soil and outdoor ornaments into the trunks of their cars.  Thanks to their zeal and creativity, neighbourhood yards will come alive with the colors of spring.


I don’t have space for a garden because I live in a condo building although there is a tiny plot of land out front where I could plant some dainty flowers to break the monotony of red brick and concrete. 

As Cicero once said, "he who has a garden and a library wants for nothing.”

Gardening and landscaping experts advise that the choice of plants and flowers must be based on the type of soil and climate of a given geographical area.  Any garden project must consider the sun’s intensity, soil conditions and the amount of rainfall. 

This week, let’s build a French-English gardening lexicon:

For starters, decor items and fertilizers!



pierre décorative decorative stone
galet doré pea pebble
pierre de rivière river stone
argile broyée brick chips
paillis rouge red mulch
paillis noir black mulch
paillis de cèdre cedar mulch
ecaille de cacao cocoa shell mulch
semence à gazon grass seed
terre noire black earth
fumier de mouton sheep manure
engrais verdissant pour pelouse green-up lawn fertilizer
grazonneur turf starter
terreau de tourbe avec fumier manured peat loam
gazon supplément de croissance turf growth supplement
pâturage fertilisé fertilized pasture
carreaux de parterre lawn tile
mélanges de gramineés à gazon lawn/turf grass mixture
teneur d’un engrais fertilizer grade
distributeur d’engrais fertilizer spreader


Tip:  It is safe to mow your lawn after the fertilizer you have applied has been rained on or watered.

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