Wednesday, December 16, 2009

French to English: Recipes for Christmas, Part 3

I've given you recipes for breakfast pudding and Gérard Depardieu's Merlan Colbert.  Let's now try this dessert recipe.  It's a pie tart with apples and blueberry.

The recipe says "myrtilles" and I wasn't sure what it meant in English.  After checking with Termium and my old reliable Harrap's, I found out that they're blueberries - well, sort of.  "Bilberries" are more accurate; at least that's what they're called in Europe.  Termium says that they're also known as:

  • black whortleberry
  • burren murtle
  • dye berry
  • huckle berry
  • hurtle berry
  • whinberry
  • whortle berry
  • wineberry

To lessen the confusion, the ISO came up with a standardized definition:  bilberry.  Bilberries look like blueberries and they grow in parts of the US and in forests and woods in Europe.  They are five-seeded berries and are available commercially as dried fruit.

The recipe says that if you use fresh bilberries, you'll need to cook them first. One good thing about this pie tart is that you can use any kind of dough - puff pastry, short flake crust (a type of dough with a high percentage of fat so that you get this tender, crumbly crust) or shortbread pastry (has a grainy texture).

It's an easy recipe you can do in a nano second for guests who are dropping by at short notice.  It is perhaps a good idea to stock up on store-bought pie dough during the holidays so you can just thaw them and roll them out with the minimum of fuss.

This recipe is called "Tarte aux pommes et aux myrtilles" and I got it from

Ingrédients / Ingredients



1 pâte à tarte (feuilletée, brisée ou sablée)

1 pie dough (puff pastry, short flake or shortbread)

1 pot de myrtilles en conserve

i jar of bilberry jam
4 pommes 4 apples (recipe does not specify what kind of apples, so use your favorite)





Note:  whoever wrote this recipe did not specify quantities, and assumed you're accustomed to making pies with your eyes closed.  I know, some recipe writers assume too much.  I feel the same way when I'm reading a user's guide for a software product.

Your best bet in this case is, if you're using bilberry jam, scale back on the cinnamon and sugar and start with teaspoon quantities.

Also:  I would not use green or bitter apples for this one.  I'd go with a "safe" variety like Royal Gala.

Étapes / Steps:

1.  Eplucher et couper les pommes en morceaux dans une casserole avec un peu d'eau au fond afin d'obtenir une compote.

English:  Peel and slice apples.  Put them in a casserole and heat them with a bit of water to turn them into a compote.

2.  Etaler la pâte à tarte dans le moule, la piquer avec une fourchette et répartir dans le fond les myrtilles puis compléter avec la compote de pommes.

English:  Spread out the dough in your pie pan or mould and prick holes with a fork.  Pour your bilberries and then pour your apple compote above the bilberries.

3.  Saupoudrer de canelle et de sucre (ce n'est pas nécessaire si vous utilisez des myrtilles en conserve qui sont déjà sucrées) selon votre goût. Si vous utilisez des mirtilles fraîches, les faire cuire au préalable.

English:  Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar - according to taste - over the mixture (it isn't necessary to use cinnamon and sugar if you're already using bilberry jam which is sweet).  If you're using fresh bilberries, cook them first.

4.   Mettre au four à 200°C (th.6) et laisser cuire selon la pâte (feuilletée, brisée ou sablée) environ 30 mn.

English:  Bake in a 200 C oven (400 degrees F) for about 30 minutes (time will vary depending on the type of pie dough used).

Pour 4 personnes:  Good for 4 people.

You'll agree, this is a low-maintenance recipe, not requiring extraordinary acrobatics in the kitchen.  It would also be interesting to taste the combination of apples and bilberries!

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